Last Updated: March 19, 2024

At Craft Beer LB, we are committed to providing a welcoming and inclusive experience for all attendees. Our code of conduct is designed to ensure a respectful and enjoyable environment for everyone, celebrating the diversity of our community. By participating in the festival, you agree to adhere to the following guidelines:

1. Respect and Inclusivity:
Treat all festival participants with respect, regardless of gender, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, or religion.
Avoid offensive or discriminatory behavior, including sexist, racist, or exclusionary remarks.

2. Integrity and Courtesy:
Conduct yourself with integrity, courtesy, and respect for others, including fellow attendees, exhibitors, speakers, sponsors, vendors, volunteers, and staff.
Refrain from insults, defamation, or harassment in any form.

3. Compliance with Law:
Adhere to all legal requirements during the festival and avoid engaging in any illegal activities.
Act ethically and responsibly in dealings with products, public image, and interactions with other attendees.

4. Protection of Property:
Treat all festival-related property with respect and care, including facilities, trademarks, and the property of other attendees.

5. Harassment & Discrimination-Free Environment:
Strictly prohibit and do not tolerate discrimination based on any protected characteristics.
Ensure an event space free from harassment, including sexual harassment, offensive conduct, and unwelcome attention.

6. Craft Beer Diplomacy:
Represent the craft beer industry positively, promoting responsible consumption and fostering a positive and professional atmosphere.

7. Conflict Resolution:
Report any violations promptly to festival organizers.
Engage in open dialogue and cooperate with investigations into alleged misconduct.

8. Disciplinary Actions:
Violations of the code of conduct may result in consequences such as removal from the event, suspension, or legal action depending on the severity and recurrence.

Thank you for helping us create a beer festival that is enjoyable, safe, and respectful for all participants. Cheers to a fantastic event!